Almost all the Nationalized and scheduled banks provide educational loan for study at Ezhuthachan College of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Students can obtain fee structure and approval letters duly attested by the head of the institution from the college office on request after assigning the admission number
The inputs in this section is meant to give you some guidance on taking an educational loan. You should find out the exact details from the bank from which you want to take the loan. Most, if not all, banks provide educational loans. You should take a loan to study even if your parents can afford the fee. This would show your independence and ability to take risks. Such an attitude is required to succeed in a managerial career. You can apply for an educational loan through the website . But it is not necessary that you apply through this. The only advantage is that if you apply through this, the bank has to give a firm reply of granting it or not granting it. One of the best option is to contact the bankers of your parents and arrange for the loan. Educational loans cover the tuition fees, hostel fee, cost of books, examination fee. However, the discretion of the bank is crucial in educational loan, just as in the case of other loans.